Disaster Case Management Committee

The NYCVOAD Disaster Case Management (DCM) Committee is not event or organization specific and takes an all hazards approach across all sectors.  The committee aims to minimize duplication of efforts and services related to case management work with impacted individuals and aims to educate participating agencies on disaster readiness, response, and recovery processes so that they can provide compassionate, efficient, and effective human services.   

  • See our Purpose Statement for more information on what this committee does during preparedness and mitigation phases.

  • This committee wishes to support local DCM efforts across NYC after any disaster to ensure that all agencies providing DCM are receiving similar training, information, and guidance and are providing the same level of service. We hope to contribute to their work by offering our expertise from past disasters (9/11, Katrina, Irene, Lee, Sandy, Maria) and assisting with communication, cooperation, coordination, and collaboration related to DCM. See our Tip Sheet for sample forms and training materials.

  • See the COVID-19 Disaster Case Management Working Group for response and recovery work related to Disaster Case Management specific to COVID.

This committee has existed since 9/11 and continues to meet quarterly and/or communicate via email. 

If you are a governmental or non-governmental agency that may play a role in service provision or case management to people impacted by disasters, please email Julianne Pannelli (julianne.pannelli@archny.org) to be added to the email list.