A coalition of nonprofit, faith-based, and government organizations in NYC committed to working together in the areas of disaster preparedness, response, recovery and resiliency/mitigation.
Founded in 1997, New York City Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NYCVOAD) is New York City's local affiliate of National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD). The membership of NYCVOAD consists of both locally based organizations and local representatives of national organizations. Its mission is to strengthen the capabilities of organizations working together in NYC to relieve human suffering caused by disaster. NYCVOAD member organizations cover a broad range of missions and technical expertise, from those that are solely disaster focused to those with more broad focus but with disaster application.
Since our founding, NYCVOAD has responded to the following disasters by serving as a convener of agencies, facilitating communication between community organizations and government entities, sharing agency capacity data, connecting players, and/or sharing best practices, etc.:
Blackout (2003); Staten Island Ferry Crash (2003); Hurricane Katrina (2005); Tornadoes in Brooklyn (2007); Steampipe Explosion - Grand Central (2007); Flight 1549 - Hudson River (2009); H1N1 Virus (2009); Haiti Earthquake (2010); Hurricane Irene (2011); Superstorm Sandy (2012); East Village Gas Explosion (2015); Hurricane Evacuees (2017); COVID-19 (2020)
NYCVOAD Membership
Join NYCVOAD to work hand-in-hand with other mission-driven organizations. Membership benefits include: access to sensitive information from NYC Emergency Management following a disaster; access to training, exercises, and other learning opportunities; increased organization visibility and credibility in the disaster field; opportunities for networking and relationship building.
Our members are organizations, not individuals.
$250 annually for orgs with total $250,000+ operating budgets
$150 annually for orgs with $100,000 - $250,000 operating budgets
$0 annually for orgs with less than $100,000 operating budgets